

Operation on strings

 Operation on strings

In c/c++ , the character datatype ( char ) stores a single character ( like – ‘h’ , ‘j’ , ‘d’ etc. ) but if the character variable is declared as string ( like char ch[10] ) , then , it can store words ( like “hello there ”, “this is the example of string ” , etc ) .

Note :-

char data are single character and always enclosed within single quotes (like ‘a’ , ‘b’ , ‘c’ ,etc) .

string data are single or multi-character and always enclosed within double quotes (like “a” , “abbc” , “hello there” , etc ) .

Example :-

char ch  ;     /*  this is char type and store single character like ‘a’ , ‘b’, ‘c’ etc , and enclosed within single quotes.  */

char ch[10] ;      /*  this is string type and store multiple character like “abc”, “this is the string” etc , and enclosed within double quotes.  */

The string always terminates with a null character i.e. ‘\0’, like if we store a string as “hello” then internally it will be stored like “ hello\0 ” and its size will be 6 bytes, similarly , “ this is string  ” will be stored like “ this is string\0 ” and its size will be 15 bytes.

Now if we use cin>> to input values in the string , then the major drawback of cin>> is it does not store spacebar value like if you enter a name like “ Pankaj Tripathi ” , then the space between Pankaj and Tripathi will not be input by cin>> and only Pankaj will get stored in the string .

So to overcome this problem , various inbuilt functions are defined below.

String Functions   get() , put() and gets() , puts() and getline() , write()

get() function is similar to cin and is used to input a single character into a char variable.

put() function is similar to cout and is used for output purpose do print or display the variable information.

Syntax :

char ch ;

cin.get(ch) ;

cout.put(ch) ;

The gets() function is used to accept ( or input ) the string of characters entered and places them in the string variables .

The puts() function is used for output purpose of string. It is used to print the string.

The getline() function is similar to gets() function but it handle line-oriented input.

The write() function is similar to puts() function but it handle line-oriented output.


char ch[20], dh[20] ;

gets(ch) ;

puts(ch) ;

cin.getline(dh,20) ;          /* i.e.  cin.getline (name_of_variable,size) ;   */

cout.write (dh,20) ;


Write a program to input a sentence from user and count the number of letters(including spaces between the words) in the sentence.




void main() {


char sentence[500] ;

cout<<”\n Enter the Sentence  - ” ;

gets(sentence) ;

int counter = 0 ;

for ( int i=0 ; sentence[i]!=’\0’ ; i++ )

{ counter = counter+1 ;   }

cout<<”\n Total number of letters = ”<<counter ;

getch() ;



Write a program to input a sentence from user and count the number of spaces in the sentence.




void main() {


char sentence[500] ;

cout<<”\n Enter the Sentence  - ” ;

gets(sentence)  ;

int counter = 0 ;

for (int i=0 ; sentence[i]!=’\0’ ; i++ )

{  if (sentence[i]==’ ’)

     { counter = counter+1 ; }


cout<<”\n Total number of letters = ”<<counter ;

getch() ;



Write a program to input a sentence from user and count the number of letters and spaces separately of the sentence.




void main() {


char sentence[500] ;

cout<<”\n Enter the Sentence  - ” ;

gets(sentence) ;

int letter_counter=0, space_counter=0 ;

for ( int i=0 ; sentence[i]!=’\0’ ; i++ )


  if(sentence[i]==’ ’)

    { space_counter+=1 ; }


  {   letter_counter+=1 ;   }


cout<<”\n Total number of letters = ”<<letter_counter ;

cout<<”\n Total number of spaces = ”<<space_counter ;

getch() ;


operation on string


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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